Joyce's Crustless Quiche

Our friend Joyce (Charlie's nephew's wife's mom) invited us for lunch in January 2015 and served us this quiche. We really liked it and asked for the recipe. We were surprised how easy it is to make. Joyce's name for the recipe is Proznick but we have renamed it as above. (We considered Joyce's Krustless Kosher Keesh.) We have made some tweaks to the recipe which are noted below and cannot guarantee it will still be kosher! (Please note, we halved the original recipe because it makes a lot.)

Makes about 4 generous servings. It keeps well left over.

The Recipe


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Combine well the cottage cheese, eggs, butter, flour, cheese.
  3. Stir in the vegetable.
  4. Pour into a greased 9 x 13 pan
  5. Optional: Put the fresh tomato slices on top
  6. Bake, uncovered, for one hour, or till it is golden brown on top.

Variations not in original recipe that we have tried and like:

Variations we might try (try at your own risk, not yet tested):

Other Recipes
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